Monday, May 28, 2007

To the Grand Canyon - May 27th

This morning, had a tough time figuring out what we were doing. The end of this first phase of the trip is immanent, and trying to figure out the details of the interstitial time, and time line for phase II is tough. I had committed to working for a week or so in between sections of the trip, and need to figure out day care options for D on Tuesday and Thursday. Then also need to try one more time to see if others are interested in joining D and I for a desert trek for a week or two.

Once we had chewed on options for a while, and gotten our selves worked into a lather, we decided that the destination d'jour would be The Grand Canyon. Hopped into the rental car, and off we went.

We did the Grand Canyon loop from the East which I believe from traffic is opposite of most folks - which was good. In the rental car, we were able to fit in to the small remaining traffic places that would not have worked with the RV - so particularly this venue was great for the rental car. The canyon was awesome as it always is - awe inspiring, a space that puts you in the perspective of a grander picture. It was also nice having the smaller vehicle and the Air Conditioning that was "fast acting" in terms of environmental happiness, though the temperature was by no means scalding - probably in the mid eighties. Delilah was in particularly pill-ish form though, and required forced extraction from several locations... A late afternoon nap seems to have mostly fixed that.

Drove back through Williams. Talked to some people about the Grand Canyon Train there, which sounds like a really neat deal. We will definitely do that some time, particularly since we are certainly destined to visit Colorado again in the not-too-distant future. Perhaps we will do the Christmas Train, which includes a visit from Santa? We'll see... Pulled back into the camp in time to pack D off to bed, then I drove out to pick up a few items from the store - in particular, some rubber gloves for "clean up duty" connecting and disconnecting the sewer, and some art supplies for Delilah to work on a paper doll project tomorrow. Filled up the rental car with its requisite juice, and disgorged its contents back to the RV.

Decided that we would also stay a night at a hotel in Sedona as a final gig on the trip. Did a "price line bid" thing, and got a room at the Hilton there for $85 - great deal. Off there again tomorrow.

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