Monday, April 9, 2007

On from Kansas

Had a nice stay with friends in Kansas for a few days. We had originally planned on camping with them, but temp was in the 20s/30s so decided to just stay at their place. Leavenworth (famous for prison row a ways away) is a pretty out of the way area, basically 20 minutes to almost anything. My buddy, Mark, has amassed an impressive collection of "grown up toys", ranging from ATVs to farm equipment, trailers to Toy Hauler/RVs. Keeps him self busy during the winter when not working at Sprint, on a million projects, including framing in the basement as a guest house in the future, etc.

It snowed there this AM, and Delilah enjoyed catching a few flakes on her tongue. Left around noon (seems to be our standard departure time), and got in to St. Louis about 6PM after a couple stops along the way. Always goes slower than expected, but getting the kinks out of the system - at least mostly. I think that I left one of the laptop chargers at Marks, fortunately I have a universal one that will do...

Tomorrow, on towards Atlanta - unsure how far we will go.

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