From Milan, Ohio, I woke up early not knowing I had my watch set in the wrong mode. Thinking that it was a few minutes after 9AM, and knowing that the rest of the family was tired, I showered, packed up camp, and left B and D sleeping in their respective beds, and rolled out of camp (checking for noxious spiders as I went). It wasn't until I stopped at the office to pay the bill and found them closed, that I realized that it was actually only 7AM... Delilah still managed to sleep until almost 10, but Barbara was up before 8 - being that she sleeps in the back of the RV, she is actually beyond the fulcrum of the tires, and as such she gets a major bump whenever we go over anything in the road - a little crack in the pavement becomes a bounce.
Since the next planned stop on the trip is "Mall of America" in Minnesota, and the day was the most lovely driving day that we had yet had, I drove with a compulsion through Indiana, a brief bypass and breakfast in Michigan (tag), then through Illinois, skirting most of Chicago (but still getting caught in traffic at 2PM), and finally getting off the toll roads which have milked well in excess of $100 from us, we drove towards the "Historic town of Galena" which supposedly had camping near it. The instructions in the Woodalls guide said 2 miles east of the intersection of a highway, just outside of town. Problem is that this highway snakes around the town, and in fact intersects twice. So in our questing for the campground, we ended up getting lost, and eventually thought that we must have passed it. Back tracked to a dirt road with a camp ground sign on it, and went several miles out into the boonies to find another broken sign, and no actual camping. Just some guy in a field, hauling a pair of logs back to his house - he saw us, and high tailed it away without looking back... Finally went through the town, and upon coming out the other side, found the campground next to a 24 hour Wall Mart.
Got in to camp about 6 (office was of course closed), but D had some good time to play there, and made a new friend of an 8 year old who was very sweet, and put up with a lot from D. After D's bed time, I wandered down to Walmart (which I admit to having done more often than I like to on this trip) to buy an "Ice Cream Ball" - basically an ice cream maker in the shape of a ball that you operate by rolling and tossing around with the Birthday money from mom (thanks mom!). Somehow a cheap DVD player also ended up in the basket, which will be much easier than trying to use the laptop as a DVD player (birthday from my bro- thanks Mark!).
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