Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thoughts on life - the ultimate "big trip"

I had an interchange this morning that got me thinking, so I wrote this out...

As we live our lives, we amass experiences; and as thinking creatures we attempt to tie these events back to other things we've done and experienced before, to make sense of them. We build opinions as we build this web of experience and action and observation. We develop many mental tools and constructs to aid in our logical process; generalizations, expectations, assign weights to them, try to communicate, to persuade, to try to make sense of it all. We define “truths”, weak or strong, and opinions, which in the larger scale of a life are sometimes well anchored, and other times will change subtly or profoundly as we continue to grow, to live our lives, and experience.

But ultimately, the experiences that each of us have are different, and our perceptions are colored or filtered by this web of life, our society, our family, the people we spend our time with - thus in myriad subtle ways, we are all different. Different is. And in this space of difference, we judge action, idea, experience - as always from our own point of reference - which is, from that point of reference, by definition right. Thus, there is no single universal right or wrong, save only the universe of one.

So, we are all different and we are all right.

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