This year, we decided to take Delilah with us to the San Diego Burning Man Decom.
Delilah LOVED it - said that she had the best day of her life, with all the people giving her stuff, and being friendly and so attentive to her. Interesting that there are definitely folks that TOTALLY focus on the kid - as I was walking with D, they would walk up to us, and look just at Delilah, like I wasn't even there. Lots of folks tossing her little trinkets or giving her stuff - glowing whistles, to elephant outfits. We mostly spend time at the art booth there, D painting her pony pink, and me working on pimping out stuff.
One evening, we made Tom Kah soup (as always), and when we shared it with some walkers by, Delilah really impressed them with her friendly hugs - giving one gal a "Koala Hug" (sort of a tackling the leg with legs wrapped around deal). They laughed at the Koala hug name. When I went to one of the art displays the next day it was a wishing well where you wrote your name on one side of a rock, and your wish on the other side - then took someone elses to see if you could help make their wish real. I was just reading some of the rocks - and one of them said that they wanted another koala hug!
Having Delilah there definitely changed the flavor of the event for Barbara and I, since we couldn't both do the late night catting around with kidlet in the RV. It was fun, but something that we'll probably wait on for a few years before we bring D again, unless we have a live in assistant :)
FDLM (Feuago De Los Meurtos) is at the Telemagic Site at Jacumba - which is also a railroad museum of sorts - or perhaps more of a staging area for Carizo Gorge RR down the way.
Delilah with the Elephant Costume that she was gifted.
One of the funky vehicles - a bus with a suspended cage ala Mad Max.